The Associate of Science Degree in Media Management provides opportunities for students to learn the practical and theoretical aspects of developing and applying media for reaching consumers of music, videos, news, socialization, business, and various types of other programs.  Aspects of production, operations, and management are considered.  In addition to the General Education outcomes, the student will be given the opportunity to:

  1. Effectively implement principles of development for various media.
  2. Describe the process of producing original media for business, marketing, social, and personal use of media.
  3. Effectively implement the process for drafting, editing, and publishing articles and news spots for use in different types of media.
  4. Describe the hardware, technology, and equipment necessary to operate a working radio station (ICCI FM 101.1).
  5. Describe the process of producing original broadcasting for radio and television.
Course IDSubject AreaCredits
GS 101 Introduction to College Studies: Technology, Leadership, and Success (5)
GS/SH 110 Environmental Science, Sustainability, and Health(5)
EN 104 English Composition and Writing(5)
EN 105 Mechanics and Research of Academic Writing(5)
EN 202 Introduction to Public Speaking, Communication, and Self-Awareness(5)
GS/IT 109 Technology in the Information Age(5)
MA 105 Introduction to College Algebra(5)
SO 202 Introduction to Sociology: Culture and Diversity in a Global Society(5)
SO 235 Local and Global Citizenship with Experiential Learning (see p. 14 for additional costs)(5)
Total General Education Requirements for the Associate of Science Degree(45)
 Area II:  Business Requirements
BE 101 Introduction to Business(5)
BE 104 Introduction to Accounting(5)
BE 201 Principles of Microeconomics(5)
BE 202 Principles of Macroeconomics(5)
Total Business Requirements(20)
 Area III:  Media Management Requirements 
ME 241 Introduction to Current and Emergent Media(5)
ME 242 Principles of Journalism and Writing for a Specific Audience(5)
ME 244 Using, Producing, and Managing Current and Emergent Media(5)
ME 247 Application of Media Management (30 hours of practicum at ICCI)(5)
Total Media Management Requirements(20)
Area IV: Approved Business/General Elective(5)
Total Credits Required for Graduation(90)