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The Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management is tailored for those interested in supervisory level jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry. Emphasis is management-oriented though a certain amount of clerical expertise is demanded for parts of this industry. In addition to the General Education outcomes, the student will be given the opportunity to:

  1. Effectively implement principles of tourism and hospitality management.
  2. Recognize the structure, make-up, and tasks required of a “front desk operator” in the tourism and hospitality industry.
  3. Analyze basic principles of customer service in the tourism and hospitality industry.
  4. Explain how the tourism and hospitality industry uses teams and organizational leadership principles to meet consumer demand in different tourism and hospitality areas.
  5. Explain how the emergence of eco-tourism is changing the tourism and hospitality industry.
  6. Provide examples of how to interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds;
  7. Provide an example of how to set up diverse teams;
  8. Provide examples each of personal ethics and professional ethics in the hospitality industry;
  9. Compare and contrast the differences between strategic management and project management in the hospitality industry;
  10. Describe behaviors that human resource managers typically engage in when they are determining employee performance standards;
  11. Provide examples of how human resource managers determine the thinking skills of potential employees;
  12. Describe key industry standards for working with food and beverage service and restaurants;
  13. Describe key industry standards for working with hotel and care-for-others industries;
  14. Describe the key aspects of destination development;
  15. Describe the standards expected when engaged in event planning and management; and
  16. Examine the principles and techniques of organizing and interpreting empirical data for the purpose of developing a thesis-driven paper.
Course IDSubject AreaCredits
Area I: General Education Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree
GS 101 Introduction to College Studies: Technology, Leadership, and Success (5)
GS/SH 110 Environmental Science, Sustainability, and Health(5)
EN 104 English Composition and Writing(5)
EN 105 Mechanics and Research of Academic Writing(5)
EN 202 Introduction to Public Speaking, Communication, and Self-Awareness(5)
GS/IT 109 Technology in the Information Age(5)
MA 105 Introduction to College Algebra(5)
MA 205 Application of Math in Society(5)
MA 210 Applied Statistics(5)
PY 220 Introduction to Psychology: Development, Personality, and Motivation(5)
SO 202 Introduction to Sociology: Culture and Diversity in a Global Society(5)
SO 235 Local and Global Citizenship with Experiential Learning (see p.14 for additional costs)(5)
Total General Education Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree(60)
Area II: Business Requirements
BE 101 Introduction to Business(5)
BE 104 Introduction to Accounting(5)
BE 201 Principles of Microeconomics(5)
BE 202 Principles of Macroeconomics(5)
BS 402 Principles of Research Methodology(5)
 Area II: Total Business Requirements(25)
 Area III: Tourism Requirements 
TH 200 Tourist Behavior and Consumption(5)
TH 201 Principles of Sustainable Tourism and Hospitality Management(5)
TH 202 Eco-Tourism and Sustainable Tourism Development(5)
TH 203 Sustainable Tourism Planning and Policy(5)
TH 204 Digitalization in Hospitality and Tourism(5)
Total Tourism Requirements(25)
Area IV:  Hospitality Requirements
TH 210 Customer Relationship Management for The Hospitality Industry(5)
TH 211 Lodging Operations Management(5)
TH 212 Hospitality Law(5)
 Total Hospitality Requirements(15)
 Area V:  Tourism & Hospitality Requirements 
OL/TH 350 Human Resource Management(5)
TH 352 Food and Beverage Safety Standards and Management(5)
TH 401 Tourism Destination Management(5)
TH 402 Restaurant Processes and Management(5)
TH 403 Event Planning Processes and Management(5)
TH 404 Safety, Security, Risk Management and Disaster Avoidance(5)
TH 405 Tourism and Hospitality Marketing(5)
OL/TH 406 Human Performance Analysis and Measurement(5)
BS 434International Experiential Learning: Travel & Tourism or any other International Experiential Course(5)
BS 485 Application through Experiential Learning(5)
Area V: Total Tourism & Hospitality Requirements(50)
Area VI: Capstone 
BS 490A Undergraduate Capstone Project I(2)
BS 490B Undergraduate Capstone Project II(3)
Total Capstone(5)
Total Credits Required for Graduation(180)