Career Readiness Day Spring 2018

Home » Career Readiness Day Spring 2018
On Thursday, May 31, 2018, The International College of the Cayman Islands hosted it’s quarterly Career Readiness Day to help students connect with staff, business leaders, faculty, and alumni outside of the classroom. This quarter’s event focused on “Vision” and centered around the vision of the College’s New President, Dr Byron Coon.
The event also saw notable business community partners such as Cayman Islands Department of Tourism, Maples & Calder, Nova Recruitment, Cayman Islands Institute of Professional Accountants, and Cayman Islands Department of Customs, helping to guide students towards their vision for a brighter future.
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 Also celebrated was the high academic achievements of students from the previous quarter.

Dean’s List Awardees: Sharmori Richardson, Mariah Webb, Shanice Walton, Nacelia Hull, Joshua Daykin, and Joelyn Scott (not present)

President's list awardees: 

President’s List Awardees:  Dena Ebanks-Iqbal, Sindiso Mhlanga, Yvette Cacho, and Julio Ramos-Zelaya

We are grateful to the alumni and our business community partners for helping us guide our students, and we are extremely proud of our students for the commitment to building better communities in the Cayman Islands through education. The event was held at the Cayman Islands Baptist church Children’s hall on Pedro Castle road.
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