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*This is a new program. When there is sufficient interest, we will offer the full program.

The Bachelor of Science degree in Sustainability for Marine Conservation is designed to provide a formal course of training and professional development in the marine sciences that will enable students to contribute to the sustainable management of marine resources. The outcomes for this degree program are as follows.

The student will show learning by having the opportunity to:

In addition to the General Education outcomes, the student will be given the opportunity to:

  1. Identify local marine organisms;
  2. Describe how marine organisms interact with each other and their environment;
  3. Identify factors that impact marine species;
  4. Explain the basic principles of marine ecology;
  5. Identify ways that climate change is impacting oceans;
  6. Identify local and major conservation and environmental issues;
  7. Identify the main principles of marine conservation;
  8. Explain current conservation techniques;
  9. Explain why conservation is important;
  10. Identify ways that conservation impacts local and regional society; and,
  11. Use empirical data for the purpose of developing a thesis-driven paper.
Course IDSubject AreaCredits
Area I: General Education Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree
GS 101 Introduction to College Studies: Technology, Leadership, and Success(5)
GS/SH 110 Environmental Science, Sustainability, and Health(5)
EN 104 English Composition and Writing(5)
EN 105 Mechanics and Research of Academic Writing(5)
EN 202 Introduction to Public Speaking, Communication, and Self-Awareness(5)
GS/IT 109 Technology in the Information Age(5)
MA 105 Introduction to College Algebra(5)
MA 205 Application of Math in Society(5)
MA 210 Applied Statistics(5)
PY 220 Introduction to Psychology: Development, Personality, and Motivation(5)
SO 202 Introduction to Sociology: Culture and Diversity in a Global Society(5)
SO 235 Local and Global Citizenship with Experiential Learning (See p. 14 for additional costs)(5)
Total General Education Requirements for the Bachelor of Science Degree(60)
Area II: Sustainability and Marine Conservation Requirements
BI 105 Biological Sciences:  General Biology 1 (Cellular and Molecular)(5)
BI 205 Biological Sciences:  General Biology 2 (Organismal)(5)
BI 203 Biology of Oceanic Islands(5)
SH 112 Global Sustainable Solutions and Ethical Stewardship(5)
SH 301 Introduction to Entomology: Pollinators(5)
SH 302 Sustainable Marine Ecology(5)
SH 303 Aquatic Diseases and Parasites(5)
SH 305 Introduction to Conservation(5)
SH 306 Introduction to Fisheries Biology(5)
SH 307 Introduction to Sustainable Biological Oceanography(5)
SH 308 Introduction to Marine Mammals(5)
SH 309 Introduction to Herpetology(5)
SH 310 Introduction to Aquatic Plants:  Plant Taxonomy, Pathology, and Pollinators(5)
SH 404 Sustainability in Local and Global Environmental Policy(5)
SH 406 Economics of Fisheries and the Ocean(5)
SH 407 Business of Sustainability and Marine Conservation I(5)
SH 408 Business of Sustainability and Marine Conservation II(5)
BS 402 Principles of Research Methodology(5)
 BS 485 Application through Experiential Learning(5)
Area II:  Total Sustainability and Marine Conservation Requirements(95)
Area III:  Approved Electives for Marine Conservation(20)
Choose any four (4) courses as electives 
Area IV: Capstone
BS 490A Undergraduate Capstone Project I(2)
BS 490B Undergraduate Capstone Project II(3)
Total Credits Required for Graduation(180)